
Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

Contoh Surat Public Relation (Tugas 2)

Jalan Goalpara 9, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat

January 10, 2009

Mrs. Dodi
Jl. Raya Burangrang No. 46.

On 2 July, Senator Charles E. Beasley introduced S1234 is known as the Reform Conservation Act 19 -. This bill Reforms the Residential Conservation Service program and repeals the Commercial and Apartment Conservation Service program. This reform bill Residential Conservation Service program and revoke the Commercial and Conservation Program Apartment Service.

I ask you give consideration to co-sponsoring this bill. I ask that you give consideration to co-sponsor this bill. Your support will of be of great benefit to your constituents back home and particularly to the employees of my company. Your support will be very helpful to your constituents back home and especially to the employees of my company.

Implementation of the RCS program has not accomplished the original intent, and the utilities have incurred enormous expenses gearing up for the program are being paid by users of electricity. Implementation of the RCS program has not achieved the original intent, and the cost of utilities has been released get ready for the program are paid by electricity users.

I've included a copy of a letter to the editor, published in Barton, expressing similar views. Thank you for the help and leadership you cans give the many of us Concerned with this vital issue. Thank you for your help and your leadership can provide a lot of us concerned with this issue is important.


Muslicha Visitasari


Jalan Goalpara 9, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat

Mrs. Dodi
Jl. Raya Burangrang No. 46.

Pada tanggal 2 Juli, Senator Charles E. Beasley diperkenalkan S1234 dikenal sebagai Reformasi Undang-Undang Konservasi 19 -. This bill reforms the Residential Conservation Service program and repeals the Commercial and Apartment Conservation Service program. RUU reformasi ini Residential Conservation Service program dan mencabut Komersial dan Program Konservasi Apartment Service.

Saya meminta Anda memberikan pertimbangan untuk co-sponsor RUU ini. Your support will be of great benefit to your constituents back home and particularly to the employees of my company. dukungan Anda akan sangat bermanfaat untuk konstituen Anda kembali ke rumah dan khususnya kepada karyawan perusahaan saya.

Pelaksanaan program RCS belum mencapai maksud yang asli, dan biaya besar utilitas telah dikeluarkan bersiap-siap untuk program dibayar oleh pengguna listrik.

Saya telah menyertakan salinan surat kepada editor, diumumkan dalam Berita Barton, mengungkapkan pandangan-pandangan yang sama. Thank you for the help and leadership you can give the many of us concerned with this vital issue. Terima kasih atas bantuan dan kepemimpinan Anda dapat memberikan banyak dari kita peduli dengan masalah ini penting.

Hormat Kami,

Muslicha Visitasari

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